Hello, past and potential campers! As many of you know, *culture is not optional has sponsored yearly camping trips (with the exception of last year) since before its inception. In fact, it was our first camping trip that was the catalyst for officially launching *cino.
This year, *cino is partnering with the folks at Russet House Farm to bring you a new and improved camping conference called Practicing Resurrection in Cameron, Ontario from August 7 through August 13. The basic format is this: campers will gather at the farm informally August 7-10 for local outings, storytelling, networking and relaxation. August 11-13 will feature more formal presentations on a variety of topics (including kids’ activities), artistic presentations, a shared meal and opportunities for worship. Workshops and discussions will cover a wide range of subjects, from fashion to travel, industrial design to canning, all with eyes and ears tuned in to how we as a community might living into the Kingdom here and now. Participants will be able to register for the entire week or select days.
Because this is our first conference of this sort, space is limited (100 conference registrants, 50 campers on the farm itself)–so register soon! To find out more details and register, visit the complete Practicing Resurrection web site. Please feel free to ask any questions. We hope to see you there for all or part of the week!
Last modified: March 4, 2020