As part of the commitment to model creative communities in this place, *cino periodically hosts storytelling nights as an opportunity for people in this community to tell their stories. Each night has a theme and everyone is invited to come to either tell a story or listen to the stories of others.
Sunday, June 17, found me sitting in the old kindergarten room at Huss School enjoying the evening sunlight and hearing stories during *cino’s first storytelling event of the summer. I love stories because they give us a glimpse into a person’s life or a moment in time. As a *cino summer intern with roots in the Three Rivers area, I have been enjoying reacquainting myself with this place this summer. Three Rivers is a part of my story and it is a place with many stories of its own. As I live in this place again, I hope to listen to those stories more. Storytelling night was an excellent way to practice listening to the stories of the people in this place.
As the room filled up with close to 20 people, we enjoyed beet hummus with potato sourdough bread as well as an amazing two-layer chocolate cake and cool lemonade and iced tea. I knew some people well and others not at all. I enjoyed chatting with some young kids who live in the Huss neighborhood and an older woman who just moved to the area. In these conversations, we began to listen to each other’s stories.
The theme for the evening was “that thing I love” focusing on stories about things that you love that can’t necessarily love you back. Emily started the evening out with a funny childhood story about her well-loved alligator lawn ornament. Others told stories about dogs, basketball, Sherlock Holmes, home, wood blocks and coffee mugs. The event attendees represented many ages and many walks of life and I enjoyed listening to the different ways in which people crafted their stories. Some were more humorous and others reflective. I found joy in the imagination of children, was inspired by the thoughts of adults, and marveled in the ability of stories to remind us that we are all human and though our stories are different, we live into each other’s stories by being present in their lives.
The next storytelling night will be held on July 15th at 7:30 at Huss school. The theme will be “Decisions.” Please join us!